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Der kleine Godard

The Small Godard
Filmstill from DER KLEINE GODARD

Tue 12.09.

  • Director

    Hellmuth Costard

  • West Germany / 1978
    84 min. / 16 mm / Original version with English subtitles

  • Cinema

    Arsenal 1

    zu den Ticketszu dem Kalender
  • Introduction & discussion: Juan González

As a material, film is constantly changing. In archives, these changes are documented via condition reports. Sometimes the encounter between the film print and the person inspecting it can feel like a revelation. In this series, filmmaker Juan González would like to share his personal moments of discovery experienced during his time inspecting film prints at Arsenal. This screening is dedicated to the film DER KLEINE GODARD (West Germany 1978). In it, Hellmuth Costard, the small Godard, attempts to answer a question asked by Jean-Luc, the big Godard: “Is it possible to make films in Germany today?” Costard answers this question with a film. With a film that represents an attempt to make a film. With a film that deals with the film funding application. Economy, technology, authorship, art and time collide in a work whose central question continues to be just as topical for all those interested in unconventional forms of film production today. (jg)

Funded by:

  • Logo Minister of State for Culture and the Media

Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund